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Ultrasonic flowmeter has abnormal measurement value

The ultrasonic flowmeter is a meter that accurately measures the total volume flow based on the effectiveness of the ultrasonic beam in detecting the flow of fluid mechanics. The sensor of the ultrasonic flowmeter is an installation method that directly binds the sensor to the outer surface of the pipeline under test to realize the principle of the flowmeter

Ultrasonic flowmeter has abnormal measurement value

1. Although the flow is suspended, the ultrasonic flowmeter's precise measurement is not zero


Reason: when the convection with water in the memory of pipeline A starts to adjust to zero, and when the flowing water stops, the water in the pipeline is not full or empty.


Solution: a. everything is normal b. please reset when the flow is completely suspended.C maintains the value at which the ultrasound cannot propagate, and everything is normal.


2. There is deviation in the accurate measurement


Reason: the pipe specification typed in by A is not in conformity with the reality.B. Deposit scale in the old pipeline.C tube distance is insufficient.D. The pipeline is in the state of water shortage or sediment deposition.


Solution: A can accurately measure A deviation of about 3% when nominal diameter varies by 1%.B type the nominal diameter value correctly.C type the scale thickness as the lining value.The part with reduced d-section area causes the measurement error to increase.Move to the vertical line.


3. The accurate measurement value is displayed as a negative number


Reason: the connection between host A and sensor (upstream and downstream sensor) is reversed.B: it's actually flowing in the opposite direction.


Solution: perform the correct connection.


4. When the total flow of ultrasonic flowmeter is constant, the accurately measured value drifts abnormally


Reason: A straight tube length is not enough.B. There are pumps and valves nearby that cause fluid flow disorder.C the actual existence of the pulse.


Solution: A moves to A position with guaranteed length (10D upstream, 5D downstream).B. The installation distance shall be maintained above 30D.C increases the corresponding time according to the damping setting.


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